Sunday, July 11, 2010

Smartphone Lawsuit !

Ever heard about NTP? It’s a patent holding company best known for prying a settlement of more than $600 million from the maker of BlackBerry.

What about Apple, Google, Microsoft, HTC, LG and Motorola? Kidding.

NTP is now suing these big shots! These suits which were filed in a federal court in Richmond charge that the cell phone email systems of these companies are illegally using NTP's patented technology.

The round of litigation against leaders in the smartphone hardware and software market is the latest step by NTP to assert that its intellectual property is the foundation of modern wireless e-mail systems and that major corporations are infringing with impunity. Its critics have said that NTP has consistently inflated the importance of its innovations and that it is the very model of a patent troll, a company that produces no product or service other than licensing demands and lawsuits.

Legal experts say that the potential payday for NTP in the current litigation could be as much as several hundred million dollars but it is uncertain. It could also be far less because technology and product designs change quickly and recent smartphone e-mail systems may well have been designed with an eye towards avoiding NTP's patents.

The companies named as defendants in the suits declined to comment. But whatever the outcome in the latest suits, NTP has already altered the patent economy.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Decontrolling oil prices

The recent discussions towards reaching a consensus on the decontrolling of oil prices is the best possible solution in hand at the moment. People have argued that it may not be wise to expose oil, a a critical commodity for the nation, to market fluctuations. However, the same people had also put forth the same arguments for steel way back in 1985 !!

What happened was, although it was a major blow to the country's economy,it nevertheless learnt to sustain it. The same would happen in the case of oil as well. It is common knowledge that a major proportion of the taxpayer's money goes into indemnifying the losses incurred by the Indian Govt. while providing subsidies to the Indian people. Try imagining a situation where the same amount of money could be used for infrastructure, health care and education for the masses.

Needless to say, this imagination could only be incarnated if the our political parties can get over trifling issues and reach a common understanding where they can all feel the urgent need to decontrol oil prices.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Innovating for a Sustainable World

Interior garden perpetuated by worms, live chicken farm, multidimensional composting system, solar panels and wood burning stove – somewhat like your “eco-home”? Could be your “eco-car”!
“The Permibus” – the world’s first environmentally sustainable tour bus visited renewable fuels company ‘Innovation Fuels’
on Thursday, October 22, 2009 and received a free tank worth or 60 gallons of 100% pure biodiesel – after travelling over 11,000 miles on renewable energy as part of a national tour dedicated to showcasing sustainable living. The Permibus is a travelling road show of education and resources to those interested in cultivating revolutionary ways of living in their communities, or in other words, INNOVATION.

We live in a world where each one of us invariably engage ourselves in the introspection of the morality of our profits or so as to say the profitability of our morals?
The one universal and driving factor (as for all business decisions) is to protect and if possible, increase profits. This desire by businesses to maximise profits is a basic assumption of economics and although there is a clear variation in their ability to do so it lies at the heart of any business decision.

Innovation processes today have to deal with an extended and rapidly advancing scientific frontier, fragmented markets across the globe, political uncertainties, regulatory instabilities, and competitors who are increasingly coming from unexpected directions. Thus, innovation networks are becoming increasingly important in order to make use of a wide set of knowledge signals needed for effective management of innovation. There is a dire need today to design market pull instruments to maximise the energy, economic and environmental benefits from greater innovation in eco-efficient characteristics of the products.

For businesses, usually the decision to commercialise is at least as important as decisions on how to invest in R&D. Businesses are frequently aware of many innovations which they could introduce into their product ranges, but they choose not to develop all of these into commercial products – as they do not see profits arising from inclusion of those characteristics.

It is thus evident that the most significant problem hindering innovation is the 'chicken or egg' trap. It’s a trap that prevents investment: manufacturers wait until there is a demonstrated demand before they develop and commercialise technologies, but buyers wait to see the product on the market before they demonstrate they will buy it. The innovation may well have been developed as a prototype, but reaches a pinch-point at the decision to commercialise, which blocks its development. This problem arises because companies usually decide to invest in innovation by making a comparison of their likely benefits against the risks of their investment.

The Chinese market for household appliances is now one of the largest and fastest growing in the world. In 2006 China accounted for about 70% of global production of air-conditioners, air conditioner compressors and microwaves. By 2004 the EU had became China's main trading partner, while for the EU China is the second largest. However, the Chinese export of appliances to the EU fell in 2005 and 2006. This was the repercussion of the introduction of various standards and regulations, e.g. WEEE, RoHS, and energy labelling in the EU, which the Chinese products faced problems in fulfilling.

China is now in the process of promoting environmentally friendly white goods through a range of instruments: energy efficient standards, energy labelling, and government procurement. The aim of the Chinese reaction has been twofold: to reduce environmental impact but at the same time to increase Chinese manufacturer's global competitiveness.

It is thus, clear from the aforesaid reasons that programmes to promote innovation, including eco-innovation, should contain demand-side measures. Of particular significance are: The Lead Market Initiative (LMI), launched in 2006 to give industries the opportunity to develop niche markets into export products or services in new high-growth markets; and an “innovation procurement policy to encourage public procurers to share the risk (and reward) of developing and commercialising innovations which fit their needs – this will solve our “chicken and egg” problem.

Procurement designed to support innovation, can take many forms. It can: initiate, escalate, or consolidate markets. The majority of procurement policy already in place – including green public procurement – focuses on purchase of commercially available products, which escalates (expands commercial niche markets) or consolidates markets, in addition to its direct public benefits.

However, what we need are exercises intended to procure innovations which are not yet commercialised! We need procurement to initiate markets!

Noteworthy approaches could be a direct procurement where the public procurement body purchases the innovation for its own needs – defence-related innovations or the acquisition of public transport technologies, e.g. high-speed trains; co-operative procurement involving joint buying with private purchasers to develop a new market for the technology they will both use; catalytic procurement which is a public sector action to catalyse the development of a technology, although the innovation will be exclusively used by private end-users.

Today, the need for businesses to champion the seventh, eighth and ninth principles of the United Nations Global Compact is a global concern. However the much awaited Copenhagen summit with a promise to revolutionise the entire world, left business in a state of ambiguity! With no agreement on emissions cuts it has failed to deliver the certainty required to stimulate the level of investment we need to see in low carbon solutions (which I would like to call as innovation).

This is not the clear direction that business hoped for.

What's more, business leaders were unhappy at being excluded from the negotiations. Lest we forget, it is private sector investment that will provide a significant proportion of the investment needed to drive us to a low-carbon, sustainable economy. The accord states that developing countries will receive $100 billion by 2020 but while it does not provide any detail on how, it does reference a wide variety of sources including the private sector.

If business is expected to take significant action, make considerable investment and move us towards the solutions to tackling dangerous climate change then they need to be given greater inclusion!

We talk about reforms all the time. In the present scenario, reforms are needed to make public policy and regulatory frameworks more conducive to innovation in a range of policy areas from the general business environment - especially in the services, particularly in the network industries - to international trade and international investment, financial markets, labour markets, and education.

Both sustainability and growth require increased cooperation between the areas of innovation and environmental policy. Policies should target value chains and networks, especially to involve SMEs. A choice should be made between quick results and large results. Policy instruments (such as internationalisation of R&D) should be used in a coordinated manner to achieve the best effect.

The complex dynamic environment which surrounds innovation has already been discussed; so has been the need to design effective market-pull instruments. But what should be qualities of these demand pull instruments to be most effective in promoting innovation? How can these qualities meet ethical demands in the most effective way?

Besides targeting a long-term horizon, the ultimate purpose of the mechanism needs to be clear to all those concerned– purchasers and manufacturers. This should ensure that any innovation is directed correctly. Similarly, the extent to which the manufacturers and their suppliers are aware of policy that is likely to change future demand is particularly significant to its potential to change innovation. Communication of the policy is particularly important for SMEs, who may be very innovative, but are much less likely to be aware of policy development than large companies.

Mechanisms should ideally have a built-in incentive to continually strive for best performance. This calls for a dynamic scheme, for instance an A to G energy label where the A level moves up in line with the current "best in class" on an annual basis.

Mechanisms, at the same time will also benefit if an approach towards industry involvement is followed. These include ensuring that any targets are not beyond some technically impossible barriers, that the methodology is technologically neutral to ensure no favouritism, and that the timings (for example for any future upgrading) are in line with industry development cycles and typical speeds.

The market pull mechanism needs to be fair, with the same rules applying for all manufacturers and no obvious bias in favour of one company, for example, a technology which is only used by one manufacturer. This also means that national interpretation of a given instrument has to be as consistent as possible. This quality is of relevance to innovation as without it the market pull mechanism could be accused of "picking a winner" which brings with it the risk of cutting off or becoming a disincentive to research into other potential approaches.

Innovation is the core of creating a sustainable human society. As a society, we will not succeed in creating a sustainable world if we focus merely on doing more efficiently what we currently do. We live in a time when the speed of innovation has increased exponentially and the technological landscape is changing very rapidly. As Bill Gates once said, “Never before in history has innovation offered promise of so much to so many in so short a time!

Legal but Unethical Profit

It is dismal to see that a course on management ethics and corporate social responsibility (CSR) – qualities and values which are ASSUMED to be innate in ‘human beings’; principles and behavior which we imbibe from a course on social studies in the 3rd and 4th grade – are today being crammed into the heads of the so-called “managers”. The very characteristics that make us humans are today being executed in our brains like a computer program written in C++.

The morality of profits is often questioned, but the profitability of morals is seldom put to test. While managers do have the obligation to generate profits for the organizations they are working for, they also have the onus of upholding the interests of the society they are doing their businesses in.

Risky mortgages were bundled into securities and sold on Wall Street. Big funds, frenzied for a higher rate of return, ignored the risks – all resulting in the creation of a “perfect storm.” Followed up by lack of oversight by the Federal Reserve, this is what has ushered us into the recession of 2008. No infringement of legality, but a gruesome violation of ethics. Is this how we want to generate profits? The answer is NO.

Is an MBA degree really essential to become an effective manager ??

What to do, when to do, how to do and why to do – these are the ONLY questions which a MANAGER needs to address. The credibility of an MBA degree most certainly cannot be questioned. But I often fall prey to pondering as to why one’s mother, one’s aunt, one’s grandmother and the like are extremely good managers without an MHA (Masters in Household Administration) degree?

What matters is not spending hours and hours solving case studies during a two year journey from a “non-manager” to a “manager” (as goes the popular opinion). What really counts is BEING PRESENT where the case was actually being given birth to be studied.

With an over-burdening of theory, if there is no provision to vent the same into the world of practice, the value of 31,536,000 seconds (2 years) is merely reduced to a redundant degree.

Does an automobile engineer start working on an automobile the day he is given his job letter? Why is training given to engineers (I call them “engineers” because they have the “degree”) after they are placed? It’s only because theory, books and concepts can never match the true essence of practice and experience...

Management - an art or science ??

For many well-intentioned gardeners, the secret to successful gardening is a mystery known only to those lucky souls blessed with “green thumbs”. Many people see management in the same vein – a black art only practiced successfully by those possessing that certain something (that certain je ne sais quoi). So what is this secret talent? Is it experience? Is it possession of a methodology? Is it possession of tools? Or is it possession of a bag of techniques and templates? As with the struggling gardener, the answer does not lie within any of these. Successful managers will have all of these elements in their possession – elements that address the scientific aspect of management – as well as that certain je ne sais quoi.

So what is this je ne sais quoi? This is the ability of managers to manage the most critical of elements – human relationships, an ability that can be learnt to some degree, but, at the end of the day, relies on the manager’s natural discernment to inter relate and work with people. Simultaneously, managers have to work upwards to the business, sideways to stakeholders and downwards to project team members.

Management is the oldest of arts and the youngest of science, because it is of a dynamic nature. Mere knowledge of applied and time-tested concepts does not always suffice. Understanding human behavior, tactfulness, pragmatism, creativity, compassion towards staff, team spirit is all needed by a successful manager for effective and efficient management. Thus science and art are not mutually exclusive but complementary to each other. Therefore management is both a science and an art.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Power of Thought - by Swami Vivekananda

1. Doing is very good, but that comes from thinking. Little manifestations of energy through the muscles are called work. But where there is no thought, there will be no work. Fill the brain, therefore, with high thoughts, highest ideals, place them day and night before you, and out of that will come great work.

2. Take up one idea. Make that one idea your life—think of it, dream of it, live on that idea. Let the brain, muscles, nerves, every part of your body, be full of that idea, and just leave every other idea alone. This is the way to success.

3. If you have assimilated five ideas and made them your life and character, you have more education than any man who has got by heart a whole library.

4. It is thought which us the propelling force in us. Fill the mind with the highest thoughts, hear them day after day, and think them month after month. Never mind failures; they are quite natural, they are the beauty of life, these failures. What would life be without them? It would not be worth having if it were not struggles.

5. The only remedy for bad habits is counter habits; all the bad habits that have left their impressions are to be controlled by good habits. Go on doing good, thinking holy thoughts continuously; that is the only way to suppress base impressions.

6. Always remember that each word, thought, and deed lays up a store for you and that as the bad thoughts and bad works are ready to spring upon you like tigers, so also there is the inspiring hope that the good thoughts and good deeds are ready with the power of a hundred thousand angels to defend you always and for ever.

7. Let positive, strong, helpful thought enter into their (children’s) brains from very childhood.

8. Evil thoughts, looked at materially, are the disease bacilli.

9. The body is made by the thought that lies behind it. The body politic is thus the expression of national thought.

10. If we make ourselves pure and the instruments of good thoughts, these will enter us. The good soul will not be receptive to evil thoughts. evil thoughts find the best field in evil people; they are like microbes which germinate and increase only when they find a suitable soil.

11. Those who are always down-hearted and dispirited in this life can do no work.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The Social Impact of Climate Change

The biggest social impact of climate change today is the underpinning of the existing gap between the rich and the poor.

The observation is indeed very ironical - Although the carbon footprint of the poorest billion people is the least of the world’s total footprint, they are the ones who would suffer the most.
Heat waves such as those which occurred in Europe in 2003, which caused up to 70,000 “excess” deaths, will unquestionably occur again. Under the consequent circumstances, while the rich will be cooling themselves in their air conditioned rooms, millions of poverty stricken bodies will be incinerating on the footpaths.

Try imagining a situation of acute water and food shortage (due to climate change I must mention) leading to war and mass migration. Who do you think would be the nomads !? You ? Me ? Any of us reading this article on our laptops or PC’s ?? I choose not to answer the question...

In the next Century, climate change would reduce the staple crop yields in South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa and would have a crippling effect on the stability and quantity of food supply and purchasing power of the agricultural population (in other words, the “not-so-rich” population).

Poor people are the most vulnerable to natural disasters, the most reliant on harvests coming at the right time, and the least able to adapt or move away from dangerous places.

That’s why climate change hits poor people hardest.

Churu and Hanumangarh are two districts in the state of Rajasthan. The people living in these areas have to face 8 hours of power cut everyday. Blaming ourselves for their plight and distress, we, a few students of BITS Pilani decided to embark on a “mission” to “tackle” the problem of climate change.

From provision of fresh water and drought-resistant seeds to training workshops on the most effective ways to adapt to the impacts of climate change, we tried to bring a practical and spiritual transformation to the people who need it most.

And while we burn inequitable amounts of fossil fuels, many poor people have no access to sustainable fuels at all. Providing them with clean, renewable energy technology gave communities here new opportunities to develop without further contributing to climate change.

For instance, a solar-powered light enabled children and young people to study at home in the evenings. Using renewable fuels instead of firewood saved the time spent collecting wood every day which was used for paid work. This in turn meant more income for better food and for children’s school fees. Alternative fuels also helped reduce potentially life-threatening smoke pollution from home wood-burners.

All these efforts helped poor communities respond quickly and effectively to the challenges of climate change. With the right help, these communities can finally “ADAPT” to cope with the harsh effects of climate change (if we ASSUME that the problems associated with climate change cannot be mitigated, let alone eradication)...

Sunday, January 10, 2010

5 Innovative Environmental Business Ideas

I thought it might be interesting to pick out a handful of existing businesses/ideas that you may or may not have heard of and highlight their environmental benefit. These ideas are creating markets of their own and opportunities for young go getters like ourselves to grab a share while they’re still in their early stages.

Recycled container housing

Container homes

This environmentally conscious alternative has become quite the trend. Shipping containers that would normally be used to transport goods from overseas, are stripped down, cleared out, and stacked much like Legos to create a unique grid of housing or retail stores. These containers were and are used for many years in the Eastern world and by the military, but are only now becoming a cost-effective mobile condo.

Bicycle vending machines

Bicycle Vending

A Dutch company called Springtime, has created the green version of Zipcar. Many cities pose quite a risk when locking your bike up outside. By creating vending machines for bikes, you’re enabled to rent one for a short or lengthy commute and return it to another machine near your destination. With zero emissions and the cost of pennies compared to a car, this initiative is much needed in many parts of the world.

Reusing instead of recycling packaging


TerraCycle is a truly innovative company. Their products, fertilizers, are packaged in cleansed pop bottles that each of us use every day. By providing a Pepsi bottle or whatnot, you receive $0.06 along with an ever important contribution to the already 1,098,440 bottles collected to date. This model could be applied to hundreds and thousands of different liquid based products that we use and eliminate the entire process of having to crush, melt, and re-form new bottles.

Designer shopping bags

Designer Bags

We wrote about the trend of designer shopping bags back in July. The idea is that retailers offer a fashionable or classy version of a bag that replaces the disposable plastic ones we would normally receive at the checkout. These stylish woven ones can be used hundreds of times and serve as an accessory, especially for the female crowd. Would still be nice to see dozens of lines and variations of these bags be offered by the major chains across the world. Until then, the hilarious UK version you see above will be effective at grabbing attention.

Generating energy through our actions


The idea of being a hamster on a wheel doesn’t sound too bad when applied to our normal actions throughout the day across all our environments. Energy generating speedbumps are already in the works, as are treadmills that convert the rotation of the belt into electricity. While the small amount of power generated from these devices may seem minimalistic at this time, once a cost-effective way is developed to enable us to convert motion to energy, this could change the hydro industry altogether.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Robotic Arm - I manufactured it !!

Mechanical engineer !! That's what I'm supposed to be in about a year's time. Anyway, what's more important is what "I manufactured" before becoming one. Have a look at the pics.

Getting up early in the morning was the worst part. Nevertheless, I still had to go to the workshop every wednesday for 4 months. This thankfully turned out to be fruitful. My team successfully managed to manufacture the robotic arm (look at me in the picture below :P)

For those willing to view the entire report, here's the link :